A semi-August Update!

A semi-August Update!

A semi-August Update!

Greetings Pithy Pals!

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And now, to the updates!

First off, my apologies for not having this out earlier this month as I normally do. Some of the files I was expecting were delayed, and I wanted to be sure I could get some test prints done up first.

Plus, there’s a different sort of announcement I need to make now that things are in order. So let’s get right to it!

Help Needed: Pittsburgh Gaming Expo

As you may have noticed on our site, our next (and currently last show of the year) is the Pittsburgh Gaming Expo in Monroeville, PA. You’ll find the Pithy Productions booth there, and if all goes well, you’ll find out games on the schedule.

And THAT, dear reader, is where you come in!

We’re looking for people who are willing to run one (or more) of our games for each day of the show! If you’re willing to run three games over the course of the weekend, each about 3-4 hours, your badge will be covered, and other loot is a possibility. Money is a bit tight due to the decrease in shows we’ve been able to attend, but we can definitely work something out for you!

If you’re interested, reach out to us on our socials, via the website, or e-mail directly at librarianpc (at) outlook.com.

Besides, one of the most exciting parts of PGX for us is…

New Game Incoming!

Yes, you read that correctly! I’ve had ideas kicking around, and thanks to a power outage, I was able to sit and actually WRITE a game out to be readable by other humans!

Hero(es) of Legend is a mini-RPG of a fragmented hero. Imagine Legend of Zelda, where the "correct" Link isn't there and others from across the timeline step in to fulfill the destiny. Or Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, but this world's Spider-Man is missing but destiny demands that a proper Spider-Man be there, even if it means pulling five others to take his place.

The game is going through a bit more testing and layout tweaks, but if all goes well, I can have it to the printers by the end of the month and in the hands of anyone who’s interested at PGX!

New Releases

Of course, we can’t avoid our usual monthly releases, can we? While the number of artists have been reduced, we’re still bringing some great, quality minis to you all!

The website is still coming along, so please be patient with me a bit longer there. If there’s something you want sooner, just say the word and I’ll get it to you!

First off, Ethan brings in the usual great work he does. This month, we’ve been treated to some fanart from Trigun, Highschool DxD, FFIX, and even Bloodstained, among some unique requests. These should be fun to print up!

Next up is CrossLances, who called in an Inquisitress to finish up July and an Ambassador of Light for the first August update, each with three poses/styles. Definitely a great fit for a medieval game of your choosing!

In an unexpected delivery, we get a double set from Dragoon Miniatures, giving us what he calls “The End of Z” as well as some faces from the film “The Worlds Strongest.” All of us following his work are curious what will happen next with this project, so we’ll keep you posted as best we can!

We can’t have a month without an update from Lance at Epics’N’Stuffs. With the Fire Quest Kickstarter ending, we’re presented with some great items inspired by Breath of Fire III (which is honestly my favorite of the franchise).

Last, but not least from our mini licenses, we have Vaultz, bringing in a collection inspired by the film The Thing. Definitely good for your modern era gaming needs!

While Galactic Armory didn’t bring us any minis lately due to other projects (like various helmets and guns from Halo), there’s at least one object this month we should be able to print without issue: a replica of the snubnose used in the film Blade Runner!

Beyond the above, we’re waiting for the arrival of some Kickstarter campaigns, while also waiting out the last few days for the Forgotten Chapters II campaign from RNestudio to finish up so we officially know what else we’ll be adding. Thankfully, the first couple test prints for the campaigns that did arrive are looking good so far!

And that wraps up this month! Thank you as always for joining us on our little journey!

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